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Phugu94 karma

Yeah well.. I work with psychiatric patients and many have disorders, drugs, alcohol and/or overeating are common.
If an alcoholic wants to quit drinking you have to take away all alcohol and find his hidden stacks etc.

He says he wants to quit overeating but he still prepares for it, he still buys all the junk food and masses of candy or whatever he eats during a stressed episode.

If he truly, really 100% wants to change sth, he has to work psychologically with his disorder and physically with his body. If there is not any junkfood in the house he has it not so easy to overeat.

The last patient I worked with that had a similar problem developed a system that kinda works for him.
He goes shopping daily, so no huge carts full of food for the whole week or longer but only the things he plans to eat on that day. If he has "an attack" he simply can't dive into tons of candy or food in general. Then he also goes shopping by foot, so he gets a little exercise.

If you really want to change sth you have to commit 100% to it, simply saying "I try, but it is so hard" is really really bullshit.

Phugu5 karma

Yeah, saw jontron on the tgs podcast for the first time, insta-subscribe. The best podcast so far!

Phugu3 karma

What were your thoughts during bombing runs, especially during the moment the bombs were dropped over the targets?
It's hard for me to form a question without sounding rude, did you see the people you dropped the bombs on as enemies, even if they were civilians?
I am a german and while I am more than aware about the war crimes the nazis commited, I also know about the bombings that destroyed many cities. My grandma had nightmares about the bombings till her death, and when she became senile she acted like it was war again and tried to bring me into the cellar to be safe, because "Die Flieger kommen und werfen Bomben, die Flieger kommen! Bringt die Kinder in Sicherheit." (The planes are coming and they drop bombs, the planes are coming, protect the children.).

I really don't want to say that you did sth wrong or are a bad person, on the contrary, without you and the other allied soldiers it would have been impossible to bring the nazies to a halt.

Phugu3 karma

Grüße aus Deutschland/Kiel und vielen Dank für das Beantworten der Fragen.
Sprechen Sie immernoch Deutsch mit jemandem und haben Sie noch Kontakte in Deutschland?

Greeting from germany/Kiel and thank you for this AMA.
Do you still speak german (with somebody) and do you still have connections to germany?