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Phunk1311733 karma

Can't. Not. Read. In. Your. Voice.

Phunk131521 karma

Ticketmaster added another $200, though.

Phunk131512 karma


adjective 1. producing or capable of producing offspring, fruit, vegetation, etc., in abundance; prolific; fruitful: fecund parents; fecund farmland.

2. very productive or creative intellectually: the fecund years of the Italian Renaissance.

Source: Dictionary.com

Phunk131409 karma

Reality TV editor here (though not for KN). The only real difference with the British version and the US version is A) the quicker editing (I'm guessing the US version has at least 10 cameras going most of the time...the UK version probably has a crew of 3 or 4) and B) the music. The overly-dramatic music really adds an incredible amount of emotion to the scene, for better or worse. You combine those, and the show gets way, way, way over the top. But that's what American audiences like. There has to be a huge, dramatic buildup to something before a commercial break. The same stuff happens in the UK version...it's just not as overly-produced, and most of the time there's no music, so you're almost looking at two completely different characters. I prefer the UK one way more, but I understand why it's done.

EDIT: One other little secret...so we use a lot of what we call "stings". Stings are non-musical percussive effects that often accentuate a startling dramatic line. So watch any episode of KN, and watch what happens when Gordon tells the chef that their food is bad. It almost always follows this formula. "You food"...music, close up of other people's faces, cymbal swell..."is terrible". Then a sting. A big, percussive sound effect that basically tells the audience "that was an important line". It's exclusive to the US version as well.

Also I forgot to mention Gordon's voice. That was silly.

EDIT EDIT: Well, since there seems to be interest, I'll message a mod here tomorrow and do an AMA. I did work until 3 AM last night, so I'm a bit beat.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: Well, looks like the crew guys deleted their comments. Confidentiality agreements are a bitch...that's why I don't want to specify what shows I've worked on by name.

Phunk131377 karma

I edit reality TV shows...and you can tell with someone like her. These people aren't professional actors. You can't really ask someone to fake that level of crazy with editing tricks or any other way, unless they're very, very good.

They were clearly the real deal. You can tell the way the husband almost got physical with the customer, and a PA ran in and stood between them. Nobody would really plan that...you always want to maintain the illusion that the camera crew isn't there.