Highest Rated Comments

Pianoplunkster133 karma

Wow. That was beautiful. I'd love to hear your take on other films, like, say, The Force Awakens... New podcast? ;)

Pianoplunkster56 karma

I remember hearing a story (probably some NPR affiliate) about how there was a rapidly growing market for erotica that featured people of color (particularly ones that didn't play on racial stereotypes). People just want to be able to see themselves in the characters without feeling like something exotic or alien. Do you think this might also hold true for kinks?

Pianoplunkster17 karma

I LOVED the 2012 convention. Although I think my favorite moments during the whole thing were when I would stand on the sidelines of the casino floor and watching the confused non-convention folks' reaction as the flood of Klingons, Borg, Redshirts, etc. departed from the convention area and headed for their rooms.

Pianoplunkster13 karma

Hi Stephen, Big fan of the show. I'd like to get your opinion on the use of the phrase "I'm not a scientist, but ____" This is a very popular phrase among politicians and pundits, and one that particularly irks me (shameless self-plug, I blogged about it here). In your opinion, how much background knowledge should be required to make decisions about a particular topic?

Pianoplunkster8 karma

That's such absolute horseshit, I'm sorry. The risk to people in your situation is still high enough to warrant hazard pay (never mind that the base wage is too damn low to begin with). I wish social media outrage would put some of these companies in the spotlight. I saw the Walmart shirts and the FedEx pins on reddit front page but this issue could have much more visibility.