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PinkSockLoliPop118 karma


PinkSockLoliPop52 karma

Do you spend any time on Flight Simulator X? If so we should fly together!

My whole life I've been fascinated with everything aviation related. Some of my first words were aircraft names. Being at an airshow and watching aircraft yank-n-bank all across the sky makes me cry with joy. Nothing else brings me the joy and feelings I get when I'm around awesome aircraft. I'm 24 and it feels silly admitting that hahaha.

Soon I plan on volunteering my time at the C.A.F. in my home town. We have one of the only air-worthy B-17's down here! I'm on the spot and having a hell of a time figuring out what I want to say and ask. I hope to hear back from you shortly and we can talk a little bit about flying!

Oh! We had an F-16 go down near our base out here. Luke AFB. Yesterday right about 7pm local time. So far, the story is bird-strike. People on the ground described the engine sputtering, spitting flames out, and some parts falling off. Then after the 2 pilots (yeah it was a two seat trainer) ejected safely, people say the plane continued the traffic pattern to make another 2 turns before finally going down.

I've never heard of any aircraft doing this... does the F-16 have the ability to RTB without a pilot? Or have someone else on the ground immediately assume control in an attempt to save the plane?

Thanks! I can't describe enough how much what you and many others around the world do has impacted me. I just wish to fly with you guys someday!

PinkSockLoliPop16 karma

Seems like you looked into it! haha

Yeah, I had my doubts about what witnesses described. Your posting suddenly gave me the chance to ask a pro and what you say fits my current knowledge brilliantly.

On to another question, if you don't mind. I know jets can't just sit there without spreading their wings every now and then, do you guys still get to fly them from every once in a while, or do they just get ground workouts?

Are there any aircraft you look forward to getting a ride in or even flying for yourself? I know it's a little typical, but I'm in love with the P-51D. For the flight sim, they have one made to perform exactly like the real thing right down to fuel flow, oil viscosity, and added drag depending on how open the coolant doors are. However, I don't think I would get a chance to ride in anytime soon, seeing as my added weight would throw the center of gravity too far back. (They had serious stability issues back in the day when they would use the fuselage fuel tank.)

PinkSockLoliPop7 karma

Gotta give him props for surviving!

PinkSockLoliPop2 karma

How do you see the company going places with an all-retarded demographic?