Highest Rated Comments

Pithy_Username46 karma

Holy shit, you're Iron Man.

Pithy_Username18 karma

It wouldn't be radiation on his skin- rather, the unstable nuclei of particles giving off the radiation, or radioactive contamination. Skin contamination is nothing to scoff at, but that's what decontamination procedures are for. Now, internal contamination, when it gets into your lungs and intestines... that's bad news. Unless you pass it normally out of your system or it can be removed, you're pretty much resigned to absorbing whatever dose the amount of contamination you ingested confers upon you as it decays.

Pithy_Username15 karma

With the unstoppable power of unrestricted cell division, he is... cancerman!

Pithy_Username7 karma

Where you issued a dosimeter, or did you calculate your dose based on stay times and background levels?

Are there severe gradient areas outside the sarcophagus?

What was the highest dose rate in the 15-minute stay time area?