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Pituquasi20 karma

Do you have any other proof that the elections were rigged other than a biased,adversarial, conservative newspaper? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Universal_(Caracas)

For instance, how do you explain statements from the Carter Center, UNASUR, that find no fault with the elections?




Pituquasi4 karma

Yeah. It's called socioeconomics. Greater access to the internet and a better education coupled with a pro-US worldview, at home and among the individual's social circle, that would make the learning of English a priority. I'm sure you will also find extensive travel and study overseas - namely the U.S. In other words, no one that lives in a Caracas slum is posting on Reddit. The "Venezuelan" representation is is going to be tilted in favor of privileged and white opposition.


Pituquasi3 karma

The law of supply dictates that when certain goods are priced below equilibrium price, producers due to the loss of their profit motive, will provide a smaller quantity to the market - thus shortages. This is all rooted in the price controls of several years back. The irony is that the shortages, coupled with hoarding, and a labor force for the most part concentrated in the petroleum industry (rather than agriculture) create an upward pressure of the prices of scarce goods - a problem the price controls were supposed to alleviate. That said, be aware that many of the reports shortages have not only been hyperbolic but have pretty much impacted domestic producers and thus not the availability of imports.

Venezuela has always had inflation, as high as 150% just a few years prior to Chavez. If anything, the government since 1999 has made gains in oil production, employment, and reducing poverty. Whereas they have failed at controlling crime and inflation. Aside from price controls, pegging minimum wage to the inflation rate, and the capital flight of Venezuela's petroelite to Doral, Florida - much of the inflation also is caused by Dutch Disease.

Pituquasi1 karma

Does your book address actual US government/military as an active participant in the drug trade such as Air America flying opium out of Vietnam, Southern Air Command flying cocaine into the US, and our current involvementy in the Afghan opium trade?

Do you go into the conspiracy theory that the US actually introduced drugs into the black community and then used the War on Drugs to destroy it?

Pituquasi1 karma

Y que tiene que ver la mierda que acabas de postiar con mi comentario marica?! Que si eres otro blanquito burges lamabota de los yanqui que hablas ingles perfecto solo muestra todo lo que dije es verdad. Porque no estudias los DATOS economicos actuales en vez de repetir la propaganda de la derecha como un cretino?