Highest Rated Comments

Pluvials26 karma

Sheesh - just casually sneak in some aurora, no big deal!

This is really neat. For starters, how did you get involved in mushing? Do you train the dogs yourself? Is the hierarchy in the pack clear to identify or does there seem to be more than one/two good choices for leaders? How's the weather up there?

Thanks for the iama.

Pluvials7 karma

What is some of the advice they've given you, in regards to art and life?

Pluvials6 karma

Hi Marco. Thanks for doing this AMA. I very much enjoy The World.

Can you talk more about how you got to where you are now. What would your advice be to someone hoping to be involved in international journalism/radio broadcasting? Was there ever another career path you considered? It sounds like you visit some amazing, "off the beaten path" places... is there anywhere in particular you'd recommend?

Pluvials1 karma

You mentioned below that you don't plan on re-enlisting. Can I ask why? What do you plan/think about doing after getting out?