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Pm_me_some_dessert80 karma

I live in Northern California and my boyfriend used to work for a tribal casino. Members of that tribe are currently getting roughly $3500 PER MONTH in per capita funds, plus a bonus of $20,000 when they turn 21. Not a scholarship, not funds to start a business...just 20 grand, in cash, no strings attached.

You can imagine how quickly that money is spent, either at the tribe's casino, any of the local car dealerships, or in Vegas, Tahoe or Reno.

It's really pretty disgraceful. At several of the local casinos (we have quite a few tribal ones up here) there have been hostile takeovers of the tribal governments in order to attempt to disenroll tribe members - essentially kicking people out of the tribe so that the per capita doesn't have to be spread around as much, effectively giving remaining members "raises."

Pm_me_some_dessert40 karma

No comments or questions or anything. Just sad to see a name I recognize have been dealt such a difficult hand. ❤️

Pm_me_some_dessert27 karma

According to the semen analysis results I have saved on my phone (infertility is SO fun), 15mil/mL is the reference number that they’re looking for.

Considering that 12.5% of couples (one in eight) struggle with infertility as it is, and many of those involve male factor infertility, it isn’t unreasonable that eventually someone in that group of men would become infertile during the course of the study. Of the eight that didn’t recover fertility within a year, five recovered to the 15mil/mL level within 74 weeks, two stopped following up and one never recovered to those levels despite four years of followup.

Pm_me_some_dessert3 karma

Is a good home inspector going to provide any actual analysis on the report, or just facts? When I bought my first house, the kitchen floor (which was in the oldest section of the house) was over spanned and I had to have that repaired before I was allowed to put in a dishwasher and new cabinets (according to my contractor).

I went back to my realtor and the home inspector basically said "well, you should have told me you were going to remodel." Now, this kitchen had sagging floors, a leaking sink, no cabinet doors and a shitty layout so it seemed like it should have been obvious...but should the guy have told me that the floor would have needed the extra work, or is that really up to me to interpret?

Pm_me_some_dessert3 karma

Hello, thank you for doing this! I have been skating for about a year and find myself struggling with staying upright on the line after an initial hit from a jammer. I'm not sure if I need work on my plows or something else. Any advice?

Also...will I ever stop bruised so damned much?! ;)