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PoliticalRevolutions12 karma

A marine biologist named Nathan J. Robinson!

Seems like you two should team up to continue this podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKHe_zNxOzM

PoliticalRevolutions9 karma

Do you view yourself as holding the same kind of job as (say) Matt Yglesias or Jonah Goldberg, just on a different end of the political spectrum? Or do you think there's a more fundamental difference?

Related: do you think of yourself more as an intellectual or as an activist?

PoliticalRevolutions8 karma

Hi Nathan, how do you fake your way though an Ivy League law school?

PoliticalRevolutions4 karma

Hi Nathan,

What do you think about cigarettes? Smoking is the largest preventable cause of death, killing over 7 million annually - including almost 500,000 in the US - and yet is rarely treated as a political issue. Should the left care about this?

PoliticalRevolutions2 karma

When Ezra Klein came on your podcast, he criticizes the left's "Overton window" assumption that if a movement/politician starts with proposing everything it want, they're more likely to get at least some of it. That ignores the danger, he argued, that if you propose too much at the outset you'll end up with nothing at all. Do you take this argument seriously, and how do you respond to it?