Highest Rated Comments

PookaProtector162 karma

I'd like to point something out.

In 2011 I had cancer. Afterwards, I couldn't get insurance because no one would insure me. Thanks to "Obamacare," I am no longer uninsured.

So while I share your concerns about the federal gov't running health care, it's worked out well for me.

Also: the government paid your salary and now provides your benefits. Did you get paid on time? It seems a logical contradiction to talk shit about the government, when that government kept you alive. Amiright?

PookaProtector45 karma

I was born with a disorder of which radial club hand is often one of the features. The incidence for that disorder is 1 : 30,000, so the odds might be something like that...

PookaProtector16 karma

Thanks for the good wishes.

I absolutely agree that it has problems.

My argument wasn't "it's a good program." My argument was: "it has both positive and negative consequences."

PookaProtector3 karma

If you need an editor, I'd be down to help. (I am a writer, too, and was born with VACTERL Association - but only one of my 2 arms has no radius)

PookaProtector3 karma

Thanks for putting your talent to good use.

Would your game be of any help to me?

2 years ago I had a blood clot that damaged my optic nerve, and now I use only one eye. My vision is wonky, though: I will often look at a crowded computer screen for far too long before finding what I'm searching for.

Would your game help improve the vision I have left?