Highest Rated Comments

Poondoggie135 karma

Dodd-Frank (a law unfortunately passed after Mr. Menendez blew the whistle on Halliburton) has something like that.


Thanks to /u/HobieCat89 for the article link.

Poondoggie22 karma

He used the foundation to pay his son's $7 Boy Scouts fee.

What are you going to choose to believe, the word of an inconsistent liar or the facts in front of your face?

Poondoggie12 karma

Don't ever change.

Poondoggie9 karma

What's it like being a private dick?

Poondoggie9 karma

I think that's a reasonable point of view, but it means that every other Justice on the Court is lying (or deluded) when they say their opinions are sometimes swayed by oral arguments. I don't buy it.