Highest Rated Comments

Pro-Mole1 karma

Hey, first of all, this game looks awesome and I'm so glad it's finally out, I'm downloading and playing it as soon as I get home tonight! :D

This game fascinates me because of the strong "xenofiction" tone, that is, it reminds me of awesome books like Watership Down(and sequel) and Duncton Wook that features animals that are anthropomorphized just a little bit and do a great work in depicting how these animals would think if we could understand them.

So the question is: do you enjoy those kinds of books, too? Did you have that sort of narrative in mind when creating this game? Would you recommend any underrated classic of the genre that deserves to be known better? As an aside, I'd ask if Tokyo Jungle was any inspiration on this, but that'd be just way too silly. :P

Pro-Mole1 karma

Ok, time to start learning Swedish. :P

Yes, thank goodness the fire isn't the second level. That'd be way too frantic for me. I finished the game last night, I loved the narrative, I miss the two cubs that got lost in the way so so much... I just wish the game wasn't so short, but the ending is amazing.

And now I need to play it again just to wash away the guilt off my head. I will avenge you, cubs!