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ProstheticsBro32 karma

Hey Alex, let me preface this by saying that I believe you come from a good place and are honest in your intention to educate people. You and I are aligned in that we both want to help the black community prosper. That said I do have some pointed questions for you:

Why is Kevin in your video a rich kid, if he is supposed to represent the median white kid in the US? The median white household has a yearly income of 70k compared to 40k for black families and 87k for Asians, but for two parent black households the median income is actually 75k.

Don't you think it would help if you included some context for that number, such as the stats of single parent households by race that seem to explain the discrepancy?


70% ( it was less than 20% in the fifties) of black kids in the US today are born out of wedlock compared to 30% of white kids and 20% of Asians. Maybe it would've been more accurate to show Jamal living in a single parent household if the point was education?

Interesting how those numbers correspond to the median household wealth, and how as more black families split up, the less wealth a median black household has.

Is the fact that black men, 7% of the population commit 50% of the homicides in the US, vast majority of those intra-racial, (killing other black people) explained by systemic racism as well?

You seem to be in favor of working toward an equality of outcome as it pertains to race, meaning that, since median black households have less money, this is a symptom of systemic racism in the US and until those numbers are equal, systemic racism is the problem.

How do you square that with the fact that almost every population of immigrants that came to the US has had to suffer through different levels of oppression and stigmatization yet the Asians came out on top of even the oppressive whites by a wide margin?

The Chinese for example who were brought over as dirt cheap labor to build the rail roads, exploited and then ostracized in the US, to the point of banning new immigrants from China. The 90% male population, either forced to move back to China or accept that they would have no prospect of finding a partner in the racist USA, thousands simply aged and died alone.

Or the Japanese, who were put in prison camps in the US for over 3 years during WW2, and lost all their livelihoods and businesses. Asian Americans were also redlined but their share of national homeownership is now even with their share of the overall U.S. population.

And even today, Asian Americans suffer the exact kind of discrimination that you talk about blacks suffering in the sixties, where they are denied admission to elite colleges simply on the basis of their race.

If we accept that the only explanation for a success of a certain population is historical or systemic instead of cultural should we now try to suppress the Asian population even further until they match the average, or are whites being held down by systemic racism so they can't perform as well as their Asian compatriots?

ProstheticsBro16 karma

I have to presume it's the statistics?

ProstheticsBro15 karma

I'm very glad to see that you are calling for equality of opportunity, and I agree with you, that should definitely be the goal.

Thank you so much for accepting my questions in good faith and actually engaging them.

I agree with you that history has landed the black community in the poor bracket today, but I do believe there are other things we need to consider if our goal is to actually help.

ProstheticsBro5 karma

I got an answer! And I'm very happy about actually engaging the person!

ProstheticsBro5 karma

I think we have to engage each other with the presumption of good faith, because mutual trust is a very fragile concept!