Highest Rated Comments

Puuhinen137 karma

It's hard to imagine Wired printing code on paper (anymore?). Our readers have loved that we print code, perhaps surprisingly. We don't print a lot of it, just the important parts being discussed, and put in a link to where you can get the rest.

Also, we're not keen on bandwagons, the gadget of the week or news stories that are forgotten the next day. Our issue cycle is deliberately slow so that we have time to do quality stories and don't get distracted by whatever Torvalds or Zuckerberg said yesterday or which stock went up or down.

Puuhinen98 karma

One of my favourites is an article titled Tietokone typografian tuhoajana ("How computers are destroying typography") by Jukka K. Korpela in issue 2015.3.

I feel it's very representative of Skrolli because it presents a view of computing issues from a very non-mainstream angle. First of all, it goes into full geek mode and delves deep into terminology about a specialist subject, in this case typography, and holds nothing back. Second, it has a highly critical attitude towards the subject matter: that the prevalence of computers has had an adverse effect on something that used to be better.

The article gives examples of how books, newspapers, official documents from your government etc. used to have higher typographic and layout standards that have been forgotten because of how difficult they were to achieve with computers until quite recently. Back when someone's job was to lay out books and documents by hand and manually print them at a printing press, stuff used to look better. But then every office monkey got a computer with a text editor and later Microsoft Word, everything got worse.

An upcoming follow-up article will discuss how to do typography right on a computer!

Puuhinen40 karma

Probably the original Worms. I used to spend hours and hours after school on that with my friend. The later versions from Worms 2 onward turned me off. I don't like the pastel colours and noseless worms!

(I also have about 2300 hours in TF2, but that's more of an addiction and love/hate relationship.)

Puuhinen37 karma

Freelance writers, photographers and other help are definitely very welcome! Send an email to info@skrolli.fi and tell us more about yourself.

Puuhinen21 karma

I haven't seen a draft of the follow-up yet, but I would imagine yes :)