Highest Rated Comments

QEDLondon162 karma

Is there anything I can do to fuck with companies that sell or misuse my information ? I often give my dog's name or give myself a spurious title like "Doctor" or "Lord" when I have to sign up for things on websites to see where my info goes to. Any other, better advice?

QEDLondon36 karma

Given your experience, what is your advice for helping my daughter become interested in science (she's only 2 but this is important and I want to be prepared to help her)? I only came to love science after university and regret that I didn't get into it earlier.

QEDLondon6 karma

listen to somebody you don't even know rip on you for what seems like no reason.

No reason?

you called me

QEDLondon6 karma

You are right, I was rude, that was unwarranted. My apologies. By way of explanation, as a student I found the many hill staffers/interns I encountered to be insufferable, pompous, self-regarding, with illusions of grandeur, know-nothing, careerist, preening, feckwits.

I think lobbying as practiced in the US today corrupts democracy. I think lobbying with money makes a mockery of democracy. I think the Supreme Court's decisions equating money with speech instead of bribery are absurd.

What are you lobbying for (if you can say)? I might think differently if you are working for good instead of evil. It's just that most of the influence is on the side of money, power, corporates, oligarchs and well, evil.

QEDLondon4 karma

Professor Nut, what are your suggestions for getting legislators to adopt evidence-based policy making?