Highest Rated Comments

Qorhtomh9 karma

Forensically speaking, how useful is the unix "shred" command in wiping storage devices that we would like to give away or donate?

Qorhtomh2 karma

I am a student studying microbiology, with objective of devoting my career to research.

What research would you like to see done in the next few decades?

Qorhtomh2 karma

/u/UNU_AMA , when do you think the Electoral College will be replaced with a popular vote for the Presidency?

Qorhtomh1 karma

How do you find the authors for your anthologies? Do you have an open story call? Do you go through a publisher, or are self-published?

Qorhtomh1 karma

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. One hundred years from now, what type of European Union would you like to see existing? What about two hundred years from now?