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Quarterwit_8539 karma

30 minutes seems like a really long time for a dance!? Doesn't it get kinda... tiresome?

Quarterwit_8519 karma

Relevant username

Quarterwit_853 karma

How many anti tank mines can you strap to your body at once?

Quarterwit_852 karma

Have you ever seen a film or a TV show with a really accurate depiction of lock picking?

Quarterwit_852 karma

I have a neighbour aged around 45 years old who is an alcoholic and has delusional, rambling pysch episodes at three o'clock in the morning. He paces up and down my house, yelling and screaming to himself that he is going to kill someone. Most of the rants are directed at me and sooner or later we're going to have a run in.

A while back when he was much more lucid and rational we were having a chat out the front of the house and he was talking about his medical problems. He mentioned a few times that he had a colostomy bag as he patted a bulge in his shirt.

So my question is - when there's finally a show down between the two of us can I use this to my advantage? Should I punch him right in the bag and will this have any effect at all? Or will it just pop and we'll end up rolling along the ground like two very unfit MMA fighters covered in poo?