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QuasarsRcool91 karma

I work for hospital security and we require ID to check into certain units. I am baffled at how many people don't carry their ID on them! They'll have their wallet and/or purse with every other essential card and yet somehow the ID is separate. A lot of people leave it in their car which I personally think is fucking dumb. It's also oddly common for one partner of a couple to carry both of their IDs.

QuasarsRcool52 karma

Korean does look straight Zeta Reticulan

QuasarsRcool17 karma


QuasarsRcool17 karma

Most aspects of a bad trip involve getting caught up in negative aspects of introspection. The trick is to embrace that you're more self aware of the possible issues you may need to address in yourself, knowing you have the future to work on improvement, and to also focus on the positives of yourself and your life. The same methodology can be applied to processing trauma through psychedelic experiences.

The first trip can be a very positive turning point for many people and it helps to view the trip as such. These can be very fun experiences, but I don't think they should only be viewed as recreational.

If you do decide to trip, set and setting are very important. The best ways to ensure a good experience are to trip with people (preferably at least one of them has tripped) who are close to you and in a good setting (your home, theirs, or a calm outdoor area like a park).

QuasarsRcool6 karma

Do you eat ass?