Highest Rated Comments

Qw3rtyP0iuy98 karma

I flipped my shit when the chief research officer at F-Secure Corporation put a floppy into his laptop.

Qw3rtyP0iuy36 karma

I'm in China and I tried to see your proof but that site's blocked here. Chinese pornography is rampant and for the most part, only famous sites are banned. China's closest resemblance to reddit, tianya has links and advertisements to unblocked pornography.

Qw3rtyP0iuy36 karma

I can confirm that none of them work at the moment.

Qw3rtyP0iuy17 karma

Could you comment briefly on how you got to where you are in the field? What sparked your interest, education, resources?

Qw3rtyP0iuy13 karma

Freegate is passed around students. Double-click then get the internet (they block pornography and games though)