Highest Rated Comments

RC-Edison22 karma

They've taken so much from us

RC-Edison19 karma

Wait, can you describe how your HPPD has been affected by Wellbutrin? I am staring at a script I got for it as I write this - haven't started yet.

I have HPPD too, I also find it interesting more than anything else. Though it also flares up when I have panic attacks, which can be disorienting.

Also, have you noticed the character of your HPPD changing over time?

I first developed HPPD when I was 15 because of a 7 gram shroom trip. So, at first the hallucinations were heavily reminiscent of shrooms.

As I tried new drugs, I found that the hallucinations/perceptual shifts would integrate elements from those drugs. Ex. After I tried acid, the patterns started resembling LSD. Over time, though, it always seems to settle back to the initial shroomy vibes.

PSA: I do not recommend anyone take psychedelics at that age.

RC-Edison19 karma

Based. The war on drugs has failed, and in the process it has claimed millions of lives that never would've been lost otherwise.

Personally, I don't think a lot of the man-made horrors beyond our comprehension, ex. fentanyl analogs, would exist if prohibition never happened.

RC-Edison3 karma

Hey nervewing!! Always good to see ya around. Great AMA, expected nothing less.

I have a couple (hopefully) easy questions for ya -

  1. What's your favorite disso?

I've heard very conflicting things about some of em, like O-PCE, 3-MeO-PCE, 3-MeO-PCP. I would love to know your thoughts. I recently tried MXiPR, and I'm thinking of branching out.

  1. What are your thoughts on 3-MeO-PCiPr? I saw you were on it in one of your replies.