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RDRKeeper14 karma

Besides the obvious involuntary actions, are there any other symptoms included in having TS?

RDRKeeper9 karma

I'm learning a lot by reading your post and replies thanks for this!

RDRKeeper2 karma

I couldn't really blame you on the rapist thing, I've never been to prison, nor do I have plans to, but I wouldn't pass up on a chance to beat up a rapist if the situation presented itself to me.

Anyway, does this mean that you are currently not involved in gangs anymore? If that's the case, is that a hard thing to do?

RDRKeeper2 karma

how do the locals feel about the military struggles? do they choose sides? what do they want that the media might not be telling us?

RDRKeeper1 karma

I keep waking up at sporadic moments at dawn. Just for a few seconds at a time for about maybe 4-5 times (a few minutes to maybe 1 hour apart). I’ve checked with medical professionals and most of them had said that it’s nothing to worry about. Is this a common thing? What can I do to help myself get some solid and continuous sleep?