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RadioFreeNola90 karma

I felt that Zimbardo had a conclusion and he constructed "an experiment" to demonstrate it. That was my belief at the time and now.

I feel like this is a major problem with the social sciences today. Kudos for this whole AMA and for shedding some light on Zimbardo.

RadioFreeNola1 karma

This is awesome! How much politically diversity is there on the writing staff? I sometimes get the feeling that Democrat/liberal guests might get softball questions in interviews, whereas actual Republican/conservative interviews have a more caustic or biting undertone behind the jokes. I think Colbert is more fair than Jon on this, but just curious what mindset the jokes come from.

In addition, I heard that an exchange took place during the Anita Sarkeesian interview "Stephen: Do video games cause violence? Anita: No, of course not. Stephen: Then how do they cause misogyny?". It supposedly was edited out for broadcast, as it might make a feminist look bad. Any truth to this rumor? Thanks!

RadioFreeNola1 karma

Aren't you leaving out the underground cash economy? In New Orleans, this is absolutely huge. What many people do, is first maximize their government benefits with regards to food stamps, section 8 to pay the majority of rent, utility bill programs, free cell phones, coaching children to receive a SSI check, etc.

Then, one often has a second income which is cash and basically untraceable. This often involves: Scrapping metal, mowing lawns, running impromptu daycares/babysitting, playing in a cover band, catering, cleaning houses, bartending, etc. In this way, one can live a decent life, while barely working a normal job or full time hours.

In the end, this proposed basic income could easily be gamed and supplemented by an unreported cash income as noted above, meaning one could pick and choose when to work and increase their income, without paying taxes or ever jeopardizing their "free" consistent income. Whenever I see one bring up minimum wage or basic income arguments, they seem to pretend this underground economy does not exist.

RadioFreeNola-3 karma

I like that you are concentrating on presidential candidate's spouses. Could you calculate the odds that 20 women would come forward with allegations of serial sexual harassment against Bill Clinton (including one he settled for 850k) if nothing ever happened? I'm sure that you are completely impartial and wouldn't let any bias get in the way.