Highest Rated Comments

RageMonkey26210 karma

I saw this quote when I was 14:

''There are two people in the world. Those who say 'no' and those who say 'yes'. Those who say 'no' are awarded by the safety they attained. Those who say 'yes' are awarded by the adventures they have.''

It changed my life because I realized I wanted to be a person who had adventures. In an indirect way, it also lead me to KOL and now I have at least 40 adventures every day.

Thank you Keith Johnstone writer of Impro. Thank you.

RageMonkey2629 karma

This is copied from an email I received after emailing in support of your book:

''Please note that there is a high threshold for banning a book or any other type of publication. When classifying a publication using the criteria set out in the Classification Act, and considering whether the availability of a book may be injurious to the public good, the Classification Office must take into account the effect any restriction or ban would have on New Zealanders' rights to freedom of expression under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, "including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.

If you have questions or concerns about the interim restriction order, or if you would like to express an opinion about the appropriate classification of the book Into the River, please contact Julie Wall at the Film and Literature Board of Review: Julie.wall@dia.govt.nz.''

My questions:

Do you think the ''high threshold'' for banning your book (even if temporarily) was met?

Do you think your supporters should contact Julia Wall @ Julie.Wall@dia.govt.nz or is that a waste of time?

RageMonkey2624 karma

First off all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY thanks for the game and (hard?) work!

Any chance of adding more females into the Kingdom or giving Susie a bigger role? We have Pete, Jarls, Boris, the Hermit, Old Man and pretty much all the characters you do quests whereas there's just the NS and Susie.

It would be nice. :)