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Ragnosh95 karma

Hi Ben! I work in the prosthetic field and just want to chime in, if it were up to us we'd be making more sockets for babies a year. We understand that they grow quickly but there are Government policies in place for two sockets a year for everyone as well as limits on other items we can give out. We're fighting these policies constantly as everyone is different and people can grow and shrink in a year. So I think it's super cool you did this all yourself, 3D printing is the next step I believe but the durability just isn't there yet. Keep it up though! You're a great dad.

Ragnosh19 karma

I have to be honest I only saw the picture of your prosthetic because I was at work, I just got home and watched your video. I'm from Canada and I'm not too sure the components they have over there for children but whoever gave Sol a hook hand is fucking mental, a lot of components we use here in Canada look a lot like what you've made, I can take a picture next time I'm at the shop, but yeah I literally said what the fuck when I saw what they originally gave you. Have you thought about opening up you're own shop for strictly children's prosthetics?

Ragnosh6 karma

Ok I Will! I'm fairly new in to actually working in the field but my dad was a prosthetist so I've been around them my whole life, I'm always looking for new technologies and how to do things differently.

Ragnosh6 karma

For a baby yes 3D printing makes sense and I'm all for it. I think it's awesome and I want to integrate as regular materials used in the prosthetic world. The problem happens when you have a 250-300 pound man amputated below the knee, that's a lot of weight on one device. This is what I mean with the durability issue, most 3D printed prosthetic videos I've seen around the internet are usually arms for children. I honestly think we should be 3D printing for children most of the time because of how fast they grow out of a regular socket. Another thing to think about is how each person has very different needs for themselves, I've had to make extremely strong and durable sockets for people working in landscaping and on fishing boats, but if it's a tender old lady I'm going to go for light and less durable because I know she isn't going to be hard on it.