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RandomWalk765 karma

There's an argument being made recently in the blog-o-sphere that Evolutionary Psychology implies a certain inherent form of socialism with in the family. Within limits, I suppose that's theoretically correct. Nevertheless, proponents of a more-expansive administrative state have used this to encourage the growth of governmental programs. Do you think there is the conflict between sociobiology and capitalism? How should classical liberals reconcile some of the appearance of a divergence between evolutionary psychology and free-market principles?

RandomWalk762 karma

Which 7th Circuit Titan do you find yourself agreeing more often: Easterbrook (the formalist) or Posner (the pragmatist)?

RandomWalk762 karma

Do you think all the Justices know that Justice Thomas' concurrence in MacDonald is right? Are we forever stuck with the doctrine of selective incorporation because of past mistakes by the Supreme Court? Will future amendments to the constitution have to affirmatively state that they apply to the states?

RandomWalk762 karma

Which places in the United States will benefit the most from self-driving cars? Who will benefit the least?

RandomWalk761 karma

Over-rated or under-rated: NGDP targeting as a tool of central bank governance?