Highest Rated Comments

Ravyn8211 karma

Is your center regional? Do they have caller ID? I ask because what if you feel someone truly is a danger to themselves...can you send someone to them?

Ravyn827 karma

That makes sense, I assume people want some anonymity to be free to say whatever they truly feel.

Ravyn824 karma

Who the eff is Hank?

Seriously though I've been a fan for years. I have a couple of questions;

1) are you guys going to remove the 4 minute rule?

2) what are you going to use the profits from this merger for? I assume you have another project working at least in your mind.

And. 3) why didn't you and The Kathrine finish super Mario wii!?!

Ravyn821 karma

In one of my college classes we studied the aftermath of the earthquake. We were told how the most common flag was corporate flags after the quake; did you feel like a lot of corporations took advantage of the situation to move in and 'help' while setting up shop long term?

Im glad you made it out okay, are you back now?

Ravyn821 karma

Are you guys still running the comic shop in Red Bank?

I stopped in years ago and I want to come back soon; but if possible I'd like to time it to meet you!

Question 2; which of the Jersey series films is your favorite?