Highest Rated Comments

Rawrz3dg17 karma

Your AMA has officially scared me into taking care of my diabetes. I'm on the fast track to kidney failure, and well...you've made it clear it is shit. I truly hope you find a donor. I would if I could, but you wouldn't want an uncontrolled diabetic's kidney. Thanks for the unintentional help (:

Rawrz3dg2 karma

Just want to say I love your music and a show I went to a few years ago was amazing! I was only 15 and had to drag my dad there, and even he liked it

Rawrz3dg1 karma

I am 20 now. It is very embarrassing and since I am a nursing student and we studied CN vII, it is more obvious to my classmates

Rawrz3dg1 karma

I am near Toledo, and go to school Cleveland. I would love to fix this...

Rawrz3dg1 karma

Hm I could check into that. Thank you (: