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RedPandaAlex273 karma

Let's get this out of the way so you can not answer it and we can move on: what is ND working on for ps4?

RedPandaAlex70 karma

Hi Wil,

Thrilled to see Tabletop season 3 and the RPG spinoff are being so robustly funded on IndieGoGo. Do you think the show has a future beyond season 3, and if so, do you have any ideas about making it self-sustaining going forward, or do you think it will be crowd-funded from here on out?

RedPandaAlex24 karma

Was there any thought into giving a premium experience to a physically smaller phone? I'd pay the 6P price for the 5X if it had the same feature set. A lot of us in /r/android are getting frustrated with the trend in only phablets having premium features.

RedPandaAlex15 karma

Would you like to see players start to police themselves in this regard--so that using a homophobic slur was a reason to drop the gloves even if it wasn't directed at you? How much do you think those slurs are accepted/shunned right now?

RedPandaAlex2 karma

Just load it on a tablet and press the button in the lower right