Highest Rated Comments

Red_White_And_Proud293 karma

What a truly professional attitude.

Red_White_And_Proud20 karma

I thought peacekeeping was a 20th century thing? We were in Op Anaconda, Op Medusa, and many more. Most of the guys that I've called peacekeepers have gotten offended and corrected me.

Red_White_And_Proud18 karma

No. There is paid education through ROTP(Regular Officer Training Program), and nothing for enlisted personnel. This is because Canada has a different recruiting method than the US. The CF's aim is to attract people that want to make a career out of it, so a lot of enlisted are in for life and wouldn't need a degree anyways. It's shitty for those that aren't making a career out of it, but that's not why you're supposed to be enlisting.

The way ROTP works is you have to have your application passed through (extremely competitive) and then attend the Royal Military College of Canada or a university that on their list. After your degree you pay back your education with 2 months service for every 1 month of education. If you had a degree prior to applying for ROTP then it will be reimbursed.

Red_White_And_Proud7 karma

Seth's an atheist.

Red_White_And_Proud2 karma

How's promotion like in peacetime CF? I intend to work my ass off when I'm in next year, but I'm curious as to how much that affects it. I've heard it can take up to 10 years to make Sgt.