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Reddisnt94 karma

I actually had no idea about my death when I shot the first episode I was in, I hadn't read the script yet for my main episode "peekaboo". Everyone on set kept coming up to me saying "Have you seen what they're gonna do to you?". So I knew it was going to be something crazy. When I finally saw the script I was like "Yeahh!". I'd died numerous times in tv shows but this was by far the best and weirdest death a guy could ask for.

Reddisnt85 karma

In my opinion Dale Dickey is far from a skank. But it's hard to reason with Spooge.

Reddisnt47 karma

I hate when people ask questions like this and don't specify what state said cock would be in. It's ridiculous.

Reddisnt42 karma

That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Really, with that high level of quality of writing, makeup, and art direction, it's quite easy to slip into character.

Reddisnt35 karma

Well, I can't take credit for the work of my devastatingly handsome, long-lost twin brother Ken. But as far as how I learned Japanese...I was an exchange student at age 19. I studied obsessively for two years in Japan. I did a long interview about how I learned Japanese here that will provide some more detail. Anime is not a waste of time, but you need to round it out with some real conversation with people so you don't end up talking like Pikachu...as adorable as Pikachu is.