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RedsManRick41 karma

What design choice (or limitation) do you think the player base most consistently misunderstands/fails to appreciate?

RedsManRick23 karma

Given the comparative sizes of their economies and China's stated desire to fully absorb Taiwan eventually, I think there's very little doubt that China will subsidize most Chinese businesses in Taiwan, seeking to undermine the local business infrastructure and increase dependency.

I think the Taiwanese, especially those who were screwed over by the KMT take-over 65 years ago (such as my in-laws), are right to be very wary of this arrangement. And not just for the practical implications of the policy itself, but for the very undemocratic way in which it happened.

The "democracy" practiced in much of Southeast Asia is a dangerous thing. Taiwan and Korea have done well to implement more balanced, representative, responsive systems and have seen their economies thrive accordingly. This bend toward authoritarian democracy is not welcomed and I'm glad to see both the young people worried for their futures and the older generations willing to re-fight the good fight stand up for what they had built.

RedsManRick1 karma

A number of questions in your conversation with President Obama seemed quite leading. While I'm sure this plays nicely to the standard liberal Vox readership, does it give you any pause that Vox is part of an "echo chamber" that shapes the news to fit an ongoing narrative rather than seeks to understand it objectively?

RedsManRick1 karma

Aside for your individual editorial viewpoints and the explainer cards, what new is Vox adding to the news media space?

I ask because what seemed like it was supposed to be a novel, higher quality news platform that was simultaneously accessible and rich and articles that were objective yet with perspective has put out an awful lot of content that would be comfortably at home on Buzzfeed or The Huffington Post.

At the end of the day, the site feels and reads more like a way to make money more effectively by catering to a particular ideological niche than to present news and journalism more effectively.