Highest Rated Comments

Redwood67152 karma

Bruni, what are your thoughts on the extreme rising prices of insulin?

Redwood67120 karma

Is it common for some actors to leave early when it gets really late? My wife and I went with friends to a big name haunted asylum in Ohio last year and after waiting 7 hours, we got inside at about 2 AM. By that time there were several locations that looked like they had an actor there at one time but no longer did. Large portions of each section felt underutilized and without any actors to cause any frights. My buddy had spent all night hyping this place up since he had been to it in years past and at the end he apologized for the experience. After tha, I won't go back to that haunted asylum and I am put off from going to another such haunted house without paying the upfront cost for a fast pass.

Redwood67113 karma

"Biology... Eventually" would have been a great name. Although not traditional, it would have caught the eye of many and been a clever joke on the long time frame that life took to develop and become as complex is it has. I can understand going with a safer title though.

Redwood6715 karma

I appreciate the response. I've felt like I've needed to get that off of my chest ever since then.

Redwood6715 karma

My wife and I got stuck at the ER for our cat a couple weeks ago and we sat and watched a bunch of episodes of Rocky Mountain Vet. Let me just say, if Dr. Jeff got his hands on a creature, It was losing its testicles faster than you or I could say "Wait its a girl!"