Highest Rated Comments

ReggieNobles41 karma

I once had a person tell me he came up with getting his car towed in order to catch a ride home from the bar. He had never seen the show before! What real life experiences made it into the script?

ReggieNobles6 karma

I just wanted to say your recent comments about ped's have been spot on. This sport needs guys like you who speak up about how bad it is.

Could you tell us a good Greg Jackson story? He is one of the biggest characters in all of mma. Him speaking with a russian accent to Rustam last weekend was a classic example.

ReggieNobles5 karma

What is one of the best stories you have about Joey Diaz? Everything he says or does is gold.

Also have you got in trouble for the hunt for the edible yet? If not we need to make this a trend at events worldwide.

ReggieNobles1 karma

Who would be your top three people to have on The Champs that have not been on before?

You probably don't remember but when you were at the Arlington Drafthouse months back I dapped you up after the show. Sorry about my drunken awkwardness, I just wanted to show I fuck with The Champs!

ReggieNobles1 karma

As a huge fan that has been down with tical for a long time... What is your current perfered method of torture? I could listen to the intro to method man all day haha. Respect!