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Rehcamretsnef8 karma

Man ive moved like 7 times and the cops came nowhere near me.

Rehcamretsnef4 karma

How could literally getting a check for doing nothing not be considered "good" from your perspective? How could that possibly be bad?

Rehcamretsnef4 karma

The amount of down votes to this is fascinating.

There's, what, two reasons to downvote this? 1) people dislike the fact everyone's not the same and disapprove of the fact that advantages such as intelligence are actually advantageous. Because of this, 2) people perceive a collective mentality as superior, regardless of circumstances. They'll stand next to billybob and be perfectly fine going with the flow and not taking a personal vestment into a subject.

Being smart and more mobile, able to better understand the world around you, and make any decision in it with greater efficiency and timeliness would be a quality any surviving humans better hope they have to rebuild society. Unless the situation forces you to be jampacked into camps like sardines due to sheer numbers of zombies.. Where you're forced to be vulnerable to the lesser people's decisions. Then you're just a body.

The loss of individuality in today's culture is so depressing. The notion that excellence is detested and looked down upon by the populace (of USA) is a horrifying aspect of today's society.

Rehcamretsnef3 karma

If you had a gun, would have you used it?

Rehcamretsnef3 karma

Probably wouldnt have had a real chance, but id expect that against a group of 4 or more guys and one gets shot, things may have ended up even worse for you... depending on how many shots in the clip. Just one of those instances where having a gun really doesnt even matter.