Highest Rated Comments

ResoluteSir7 karma

Reddit misogyny people. Nothing to see here, move along.

ResoluteSir3 karma

Hello Chrystal! Thank you for you doing these investigations, it must be a huge sacrifice on your part.

I've got a few questions:

  • Before you started investigating, how did you think you would cope with seeing animal cruelty? How does this compare to how actually handled it?

  • What are the people like who work in these places? How about the personality of the people who commit acts of cruelty?

  • Progressing in to the future, do you think animal rights groups should campaign for welfare or abolition.

ResoluteSir2 karma

You guys aren't half genius - thanks for doing such a great service!

I'm wondering your synthetic Rhino horn costs to produce? - if you're allowed to say. Also, would it be cheap enough in the future to serve other purposes - say to replace all animal sourced keratin?

ResoluteSir1 karma

Supply and demand. If they sell for $10 each, you not even gonna break even by killing animals.

ResoluteSir1 karma

When you look at the scale of things, what stops you from seeing your actions as trivial?