Highest Rated Comments

ReverandDave28 karma

Given that you can look at porn at work, what types of things are considered NSFW where you work?

ReverandDave21 karma

Dude, it only works if you're staring in the bathroom mirror, kinda like Biggie Smalls.

ReverandDave6 karma

That's why we have principals and administrators. Once the authority of the teacher has failed it's the administrators job to step in. The teachers are there to teach, not discipline. The administrators however, are not there to teach, they're there to make sure everything runs smoothly, including dealing with unruly and out of control teachers.

Think of it similarly to a customer service job. If a customer is pissed, the service person only has to deal with it so far before a manger is called. Principals are school managers, it's their job to deal with this shit and if they won't do it right, it's time they're replaced with someone that will.

ReverandDave3 karma

I saw this in another response:

Money is what separates a serious candidate from an unserious one -- that applies to both parties.

So what do you think should be done to address the fact that Money = Election success vs qualified competent candidate = Election success?

ReverandDave1 karma

A dismissive response from someone on capitol hill? Surely you jest.