Highest Rated Comments

ReverendofDrugs49 karma

Do you belong to any global activist organizations? (I.e. 350.org, extinction rebellion, others?)

ReverendofDrugs2 karma

Hows Wendy doing?

ReverendofDrugs2 karma

Are you concerned about the plethora of cowboy hats that may or may not be flying during vows?

ReverendofDrugs1 karma

IANOF but - Yes, reducing single-user plastics is great and you should keep this up, especially when something like 80% of all recycling was never actually recycled. Other things include: Go vegan. Reduce emissions (walk > bike > vehicle > airplane). Find a financial institution that doesn't back fossil fuel companies and keep your savings with them. Vote for politicians that are actually looking into implementing policies that protect environment regulations, who are un-subsidizing resource extraction, investing in green energy infrastructure, and have basic fundamental understanding of earth science cycles. Reduce consumptive urges like buying new and throwing away old, or purchase from companies where there are conscientious practices (I utilize goodonyou.eco to start).

ReverendofDrugs0 karma

Ahoy!!! Long time follower, secret admirer, and devotee. Did you go to school for environmental science? Science communication? I've always been curious about any academic background you have!

Edit: typo