Highest Rated Comments

RichieW134082 karma

Looks like somebody who would deflate a football.

RichieW137 karma

I think the United States considered themselves a new country in 1776. It took until 1783 for England to agree.

RichieW136 karma

You said you didn't want to raise the price of tickets. But wouldn't the community rather pay $8 (instead of $6) for a movie - as opposed to having no movies at all?

I'm surprised you wouldn't at least TRY the higher prices for a bit just to see if it would solve the problem.

RichieW134 karma

Yeah, that episode was pretty bad with the scripted aspect.

If I recall, there was a shot where Richard just arrived at Burt's house, and was standing outside the gate, yet the camera crew was already on the INSIDE of the gate.

Anyway, I enjoy the show. I assume all of these "reality" shows are about 80% reality and 20% script and/or editing tricks.

RichieW132 karma

Do you try to make it as difficult as possible to cancel a membership? cough golds cough