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RikiTikTokTavi3 karma

I get it, you and all 300 of your fans on your Facebook page and 35 listeners (even after this) on Spotify hate me. I'll struggle to sleep while you find a flute player to add more random poorly mixed noise.

Edit: Goddamn, after all the spamming you've done for months. You have the fanbase of one high school band that played one good show.

RikiTikTokTavi2 karma

!RemindMe 1 year Did King Whisker Sell Any Albums?

RikiTikTokTavi1 karma

!RemindMe 1 year Was this guy validated?

RikiTikTokTavi-3 karma

I mean come on dude, I know a bunch of guys in their 60s and 70s who play jazz covers at the Yacht Club for like $2500 a weekend. You are getting sold on meaningless and deniable association with a bigger band instead of getting paid. Everything comes down to money, like in every other business. You are categorizing yourselves as a cheap date. I'm not even commenting on what I think about your music, this is just strategy in the market.

So...do they list you as associated or as an opening act on their website? Yes or no?

RikiTikTokTavi-9 karma

My old band "made it" and they earn a few hundred grand a year now. Well, my best friend who runs 'the business' does. Hate to rain on your parade but you've got a lot to learn about the industry. The fact that you answered "No clue...maybe as much as $500" to someone asking how much you'll make is a dead giveaway. Even mediocre cover bands earn that in the middle of nowhere. People can make 200+ a day waiting tables and 3+ dudes splitting $500 bucks is meaningful? You got suckered, hard. That's what basic nobodies get paid just because they might have a local draw and it isn't worth playing for and putting yourself on the list of bands who play for $500.

If you don't know how much you'll get paid you are just asking to get lied to and paid nothing, because the people who book shows are greedy lying trash. Does the "major artist" list you as an opener on their website? Or are you just something the venue stuffed in because you are known to cost virtually nothing and will save them from paying the headliner for an extended set?