Highest Rated Comments

Rizzpooch249 karma

Post pictures of cats

Rizzpooch221 karma

And please consider adopting everyone over at /r/Scotch

Rizzpooch60 karma

It always struck me as more of a listening comprehension show. Olmec told the kids a story and then the kids were asked questions based on the story they heard

Rizzpooch57 karma

I like to think it was always planned so that they could have their book title be the doubly funny payoff

Rizzpooch56 karma

I'd love to hear this answer as well. At present, this seems like it should have a very high priority on any candidate's docket. We understand that it's a heavily loaded question that would require an extreme amount of nuance to answer, but if you could hit some major points for us, that'd certainly be a great start.

If you were in office right now, for example, how would your policies in this area differ from those of the current president?

At what point - any specific criteria would be great, but I understand that, again, loaded question - would you consider the "window for diplomacy" that President Obama has mentioned officially closed?