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Robotobot3 karma

I am a very small online merchant selling pop cultute merchandise and accessories I import from china on classified ad and social media networks. My slae numbers fluctuate, halloween and christmas being my cash cows, but I really don't know where to proceed, or even what questions to ask myself in terms of moving forward.

So, what questions should I be asking myself as a budding merchandise importer? Thank you :)

Robotobot1 karma

Hi Ruby, Do you think that mental health is often a taboo issue because it's easier to dismiss it than really tackle it, or for another reason?

Also, I despise how mental health isn't treated with near the amount of respect that physical illnesses is, their are many mental disorders which have a higher fatality rate than physical ones.

Robotobot1 karma

What's up lads, Irish fan of your show here! My question is this - Do you feel that some situations/premises lost their context and backdrop due to time/filming constraints or editing practices?