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RockmanIcePegasus2 karma

I "should" myself into prolonged stress and burnout. These shoulds come mostly from high personal standards and expectations. There is so much I want, so little I can humanly do. I don't know how to prioritize - I never feel confident in my choices or decisions and keep worrying I'm wasting my time on something that could be less-than-my-best-choice. I'm highly effeciency / result-oriented. Everything needs to work in the best possible way to ensure the maximization of my wellbeing and success. Needless to say, I'm a perfectionist/completionist.

People say to prioritize your wellbeing, and well even though I know rationally I need rest to continue performing in the long term, I always feel I'm slacking and/or could be doing more, and doing more better. It never feels good enough, and I'm afraid of looking back at my life with regret. Immediate perfection and mastery in all aspects isn't possible, yet it's what leads me to sabotage myself over and over.

How do I get out of this?

RockmanIcePegasus2 karma

I've set targets for myself (for this month it's just studying 30 mins daily) but I can't switch off because I feel I should keep working more.

I do give myself breaks when using longer work sessions and such (pomodoro technique and whatnot) but my problem is when is it "enough" and when can I give myself permission to call it a day and just chill? I try to stop working 3 hours before bed which helps kind of but my mind always feels like I'm doing something wrong if I'm not working towards perfection.

I'm working on the self compassion and self soothing thing.