Highest Rated Comments

RoseL123131 karma

I feel like that could kill him.

Thank god for hypothetical questions.

RoseL1239 karma

Hey, Yang! I have been a supporter since the day your Joe Rogan podcast came out. I love the fact that you have so many interesting policy proposals on your website, but one specific proposal I would love to see elaborated on is your plan to change zoning laws to make room for affordable housing. I have always felt that the US's zoning was needlessly restrictive, as opposed to a very liberal system like Japan's. Unfortunately, though, in Japan, homes' values are diminished after 30 years or so, which is at odds with the fact that Americans view homes as an asset. I know the opposition to UBI claims that it could cause surges in child care and housing prices, so I would love to hear how your zoning proposal could help to curtail those potential price changes while also preserving the home's status as an asset to American families. Do you think balancing these factors could present a challenge in reorganizing our cities' zoning?

Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA! I look forward to riding with the Yang Gang all the way through 2020!

RoseL1234 karma

Now I feel bad because I am selling the Ezio Trilogy.

RoseL1233 karma

It's her son.

RoseL1233 karma

And then I'm going to sell my un-worn toews jersey for A LOT OF GOD DAMNED MONEY