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RschDev8 karma

I met a Norwegian in Gothenburg. He said that every time he leaves Sweden, he picks up a rock and when he gets home to Norway, puts it on the ground. When I asked him why, he said "A little less Sweden."

RschDev7 karma

I designed instructional materials for kids in detention facilities. I interviewed a lot of kids and sat in on classes. I couldn't do it everyday. You and other people working in those systems, trying to make a difference, are heros.

RschDev5 karma

Colonel - I noticed that in addition to the 74 sites on the planet Earth, the ISS is listed as a site. Is this just a marketing ploy or do you expect that the crew will actually participate? Thanks for doing the AMA. Here in Tallahassee, we're really excited to be a site for the Challenge.

RschDev3 karma

Mike - Would you consider building and/or hosting a set of resources for makerspaces? Specifically, things like bylaws, articles, membership agreements, tool use policies, rules, hackerspace infrastructure projects, etc? I know it would be incredibly useful to the community.

RschDev2 karma

First off, thanks for being awesome and for being willing to serve. You give me hope for my state and my country.