Highest Rated Comments

Ruthless-Ruckus3 karma

Yes, exactly what I had been thinking, I wasn’t sure how long I’d go before seeing someone who at least vaguely understood the point you made about the snowball effect but you nailed it. Too many people spend the majority of their time thinking about themselves without considering other people and the long term effects of their interactions. Regarding your condition, I sympathize with you and wish you the best, someone close to me also has an extremely rare inoperable condition of the same mortality but not caliber (She has a rare form of a heart condition called LVNC.) It’s understatedly unfortunate the situations that are pushed upon some us, we can just hope that society reciprocates our kind actions when we’re in need. Good to see that you’re getting some help on here (and also on path to continue watching some of the best anime out here while kicking shit up on the web)

Ruthless-Ruckus2 karma

Is it possible that a lot more people than we think are currently on a sort of spectrum for SAD? I’ve noticed improvements in my mood as I’ve sat outside in the sun for a while in the nice weather. I’ve seen others feeling happier too.