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Rysona41 karma


Rysona5 karma

I started reading your website a few months ago and made a bookmarks folder for funeral expenses. There's a lot more to it than I thought. What is the cheapest way to die/have your body disposed of?

Rysona2 karma

In San Antonio, the local news station has a segment called "Are You My Family?" that features only older kids (7-8 and up) particularly siblings who want to stay together. It's on at least once a week, so there's at least some encouragement for adoptive parents to consider an older kid.

My husband and I have talked about the possibility in the future, when our daughter is older, for the same reason as /u/dunimal.

Rysona1 karma

I forgot to add, I have been diagnosed with CPTSD and am beginning to wonder if my depression is rooted in that, rather than showing up of its own accord. What I mean is, I wonder if the depression would go away if I could find an effective treatment for the PTSD instead.

Rysona1 karma

Have you come across any clients who don't respond to meds? I've been on over a dozen different antidepressants/mood stabilizers and none have ever had a positive effect. Most actually made me worse. So even though I fit your criteria for lifelong meds, I will no longer entertain the option. What now?