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SG_Dave28 karma

Fuck, I watched that episode this morning and have gone through to ep 18 right now. Shit better pan out by the end or I'm gonna hang myself.

SG_Dave18 karma

Ice Creams or Milkshakes (the machine gets cleaned once a week and the insides look like solidified calcium and gone of milk after one day of use.)

Chicken after about 10pm. It could be sat there for an age before you order it. Some employees will just throw hour old chicken into the box to save time cooking fresh, or they will drop the already cooked chicken in the vat for 20 seconds to warm it up and make it look fresh.

SG_Dave16 karma

Obviously he'd never do it, but he wouldn't have to. You know, because of the implication.

SG_Dave16 karma

I ran into some cows and assumed they were hunting fodder. Seconds later I was walking round pet every single one because I didn't want any to feel left out.

SG_Dave5 karma

I always knew it as, Rugby is a sport played by gentlemen with oddly shaped balls.

Best goddamn sport on the planet though.