Highest Rated Comments


I've sat on jury pools and I'm the WORST person prosecuting attorneys want on a pool. I'm well educated (BS in Chem. E, MS in Physics and MBA), prior Military service as an officer and I deal in facts and actual data. Even when I was confident the defendant was guilty in 1 case I voted to acquit (which happened) because the evidence was insufficient. In another it was clear it was a shit show, which I also voted for acquittal. Nonetheless, the conviction rate in Federal Court is over 90% with most being plea's and many innocent people being convicted due to fear of the possible outcome if they don't plead guilty and receive a sentencing enhancement for not cooperating and/or admission of responsibility and guilt. I've also sat on Judge Adjutant/Advocate General court marshals and legal cases addressing guilt and innocence.

In federal court, the objective is not to seek the truth, but to obtain convictions and better employment opportunities as a AUSA, a USA or one of the actual LE agencies that work in the DOJ. They don't care about the truth. Most have an agenda. I suggest you look up "testilying" as it's epidemic amongst federal law enforcement and local law enforcement.



Your comment is both grossly misinformed and ridiculous when you look at the body of evidence from merely such sources such as the Innocence Project:








Read the part about the "informants". It's most illuminating. Also, read up on "testilying". It's very common. I'm just pointing out that you're incorrect and wrongful convictions do happen and with alarming frequency at the federal level.


Truer words were never spoken. Most of those serving on jury pools are half-wits and government employees (which is also synonymous with half-wit).


The fact remains it's ridiculous NOT to involve 2 of the most important parties in the region, Saudi Arabia and Israel, in non-nuclear proliferation negotiations with Iran. Wouldn't you agree? Saudi Arabia sees the current administration as a neophyte and very inexperienced in the Middle East. It's understandable, after we've bungled Afghanistan so badly for so long, that Pakistan would have a less than sunny/cheery view of Americans and our intent. That, and ginning up an illegal invasion based upon knowingly fraudulent "evidence" and "proof" to go into Iraq. Both tend to make us look rather ludicrous.


I rest my case.