Highest Rated Comments

STFUandLOVE29 karma

So the slaveowning tribe is fulling willing to give up slavery for clean water, better agriculture, farming, livestock, etc., most of these being pretty intangible? Is that really all there is to it (I know these are huge issues, but its very hard to quantify)? It's a major shift in their way of life, especially in their belief system that they are the leaders and the others are the slaves. That obviously will not be the case in the near future if the Pygmy people are released. I guess I'm having trouble understanding why the Bantu people are agreeing to it. It may be as "simple" as the things listed. I don't know, I'm ignorant.

STFUandLOVE15 karma

The term invisible actually refers to not interacting with photons along any spectrum, thus you literally cannot "see" dark matter. Intangible takes it beyond the sense of sight in that we cannot physically sense it by any normal means, and only by going through extreme measures (LNGS's work attempts to utilize the 0.00....00001% tangible-ness) can we attempt to detect the particles. This is why there are all of these great scientific experiments that try to "sense" the dark matter particle without using any of the normal means. And it is also why it is so difficult.

It has absolutely nothing to do with rarity.

STFUandLOVE6 karma

You asked a question. It was answered.

STFUandLOVE6 karma

Because those with positive test results should be quarantining.

STFUandLOVE1 karma

That’s breaking quarantine, but yes you’re right. Without having a law - without exceptions for politicians - they could just walk in and vote. It’s the most likely scenario. Unless they’re in the hospital, incapacitated.

The question you asked is why Covid would affect this. It’s been answered. The Congress cannot police themselves, so yes they could walk in and vote. They’re not supposed to.

And even back in March there were discussions of Covid sweeping through Congress and whether remote voting would be allowed (answer is no because it would require those same people to have 3/4 vote for an amendment and we all know that’s never going to happen).