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Santa_on_a_stick103 karma

I will be shocked if this AMA doesn't come up in court, and isn't used to paint you in a bad light. If I were Manning, I'd be pissed at you.

Santa_on_a_stick52 karma

My grandparents were in a very similar situation. They were born in the early 20s and grew up in the war culture. Over the course of WW2, they realized how bad Hitler was, and changed everything. They ended up moving to the states shortly after the war and essentially burned and destroyed everything that associated them with the war or that era. My grandfather was probably the most patriotic and American person I know.

Looking back, it's kind of sad because I would have liked to hear and see more about that time in their life, but I understand how painful and shameful it must have been for them, so I never pressed for details.

Santa_on_a_stick23 karma

I have a friend who's deaf, and he echos many of the things you say here. I met him at a bar, and he taught me the basics of ASL (which I use to this day). He was very, very perceptive visually and could determine my mood by the way I looked (whereas I would require some vocal cues to figure that out). Pretty cool guy. I'm sad that I moved away and don't get head down and get a pint with him every Thursday.

Santa_on_a_stick2 karma

Since MSF breaks the mold of your typical hospital workflow, clearly. As a result, I expect many of the tools that most doctors enjoy are not available to MSF (not just physical tools, but access to EMRs, medical software, etc.). I am personally involved with the electronic side of the healthcare workflow, but I only work with stationary hospitals and clinics.

What do you feel the biggest need is for MSF in terms of the (somewhat) recent push to digitize medical information? What type of product/solution do you wish you had because it would make your job easier?

Santa_on_a_stick2 karma

My sister worked in Newark for a year with the JVC (and has a great picture of the two of you, actually), and goes on and on about how much of a visionary you with the city/state. What things do you think you do differently, when compared to other politicians, that sets you apart from the rest?

Fun fact: I have another friend who refers to you not by your name, but instead as "the future president of the united states of america". If you ever run and need an assistant, I can set you guys up ;)